LIVE PLANT: This beautiful trailing plant will look gorgeous in your space this Spring and Summer! Use it as a hanging plant and admire its trail of bright yellow and green leaves. If planting in your garden, be aware that this beautiful plant will spread throughout.
GROWTH: Creeping Jenny is a rapid grower so if planting in your outdoor garden, prepare to watch it spread throughout your space, as it tends to be pretty invasive. At its maturity, it will reach about 4 inches tall, with a spread of about 18 inches.
CARE: Lysimachia will grow best in full sun. The more sun it gets, the brighter its leaf color will be. Plant in well-draining soil that is moist, so be sure to water regularly.
FUN FACT: Creeping Jenny is also referred to as "moneywort" because of it's coin shaped leaves.
LIVE PLANTS: Our plants are grown exclusively for Deep Roots and The Three Company, shipped fresh directly from our greenhouse to you!